Entrepreneurs often face a variety of challenges and pivots in their journey building a business. Drew Barthle, owner of A1 CDL, has kept a growth mindset when facing all his new business challenges.

More than ten years ago, Drew Barthle was running a mortgage firm. When the recession hit, he decided to pivot.

A friend from church told him about his business – testing new truck drivers to ensure they were eligible to be licensed. Drew liked the idea, and wanted to help him out. He bought a semi-truck, and they began working together.

Drew’s journey into his new industry progressed. He noticed some people were failing their tests. He decided to start offering classes on inspecting vehicles, operating and backing trailers, and driving semi-trucks. His business grew rapidly. He expanded by renting out more trucks, leasing more sites and managing trainers, and writing online theory courses and training manuals.

Drew believes in championing others to success. One of the first drivers he trained now owns his own testing facility. Because of this mindset, Drew is now managing 16 testers and running 500 tests per month.

Early on in his business, Drew knew he wanted to open a business account. He met Commercial Relationship Manager James Garner at a previous bank and they struck up a conversation. “It’s James’ personality to build relationships,” Drew said, reflecting on their friendship. “That’s just who he is.”

When James moved to Bank of Central Florida, Drew came with him. “I knew I trusted him, so when he moved, I moved,” Drew said.

The Plant City team helps Drew on a daily basis with his business banking needs: wires and mobile account maintenance are just a few services Drew utilizes here at the bank. Drew and James often meet at Fish City to discuss banking and catch up on life.

 “It’s the perfect balance of convenience and relationship,” Drew says. “When I want to make a deposit from home, it’s easy. When I come into the office, everyone knows my name.”