In an age dominated by so many different methods of communication, phone calls continue to play a vital role in both personal and professional spheres, as phone calls can be seen as one of the more secure ways to confirm information between you and your relationship manager. However, the demographics that interact with phone calls have shifted over time, reflecting changing preferences, technological advancements, and societal trends. Yet, this doesn’t mean all millennials prefers texting while boomers prefer calling.

The Generational Divide

Baby Boomers:

  • Phone calls are often the preferred mode of communication for Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, values the personal touch and finds comfort in hearing the voice of a loved one or colleague.
  • Many Baby Boomers grew up in a time when phones were the primary means of long-distance communication. They have carried this habit into the digital age.
  • 67% of Boomers state that speaking with businesses over the phone is better than texting.

Generation X:

  • As a generation sandwiched between Baby Boomers and Millennials, born between 1964 and 1981, Generation X individuals are comfortable with both traditional phone calls and emerging technologies.
  • They appreciate the efficiency of phone calls for conveying information quickly and directly, especially in professional settings.


  • Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, are often associated with digital communication tools, but they still engage in phone calls for specific purposes.
  • Phone calls are used for important discussions or expected work calls.
  • 75% of Millennials prefer written digital communication over talking on the phone to the point of rather loosing the ability to talk compared to texting.

Generation Z:

The Professional Landscape

Business Communication:

  • Phone calls remain a cornerstone of professional communication. Many business transactions, negotiations, and client interactions are conducted over the phone.
  • Professionals often use phone calls for complex discussions, where tone and inflection play a crucial role in conveying the intended message.

Remote Work:

  • The rise of remote work has reinforced the importance of phone calls. Virtual meetings and conference calls are essential for maintaining team cohesion and ensuring clear communication in dispersed work environments.

Customer Service:

  • Customer service interactions heavily rely on phone calls, providing a direct and efficient channel for problem resolution. Companies invest in call centers and customer support teams to ensure a positive customer experience over the phone.
The Cultural Landscape

Urban vs. Rural: 


Phone calls have evolved alongside technological advancements, adapting to the preferences and habits of different demographic groups. While younger generations may lean towards text-based communication, the enduring appeal of phone calls lies in their ability to convey emotion, build rapport, and facilitate meaningful connections. As technology continues to advance, the role of phone calls in our lives will undoubtedly continue to adapt and find its place in the ever-changing landscape of communication.